
Life is more fun outside.

Swinging from branches, wading through streams. Hiking and biking, skiing and sledding. Watching birds or going fishing. Rafting, sailing, climbing and puddle-jumping.

The sky’s the limit for ways that families can play together outdoors! And Adventure Families is here to help. We’re building a community and resources for parents who like to get outside.

Meet the founders: Bri and Rob, Talon and Lyra.

Hi! We’re parents, travelers, and Montanans. And we really, really like to explore new places. 

Bri is a writer, dancer, and nature-addict. She owns a small communications business, and her articles have appeared in The Washington Post, BBC, Outside, Backpacker, Mamalode, Scary Mommy, Working Mother, and High Country News. 

Rob is a photographer, adept outdoorsman, and excellent Mr. Fix-It. He works for Trout Unlimited conserving rivers and streams. 

When we found out we were having Talon, we were living on a sailboat in the Kingdom of Tonga. Shortly after squealing in glee, we made a pact to keep adventuring with our kiddos in tow. 

Four years later, Lyra came along, and we kept heading outside together. As often as we could. Sometimes to the local playground and sometimes to the top of a mountain. 

Exploring outside makes us happier.

As we learned how to bring our children along on adventures, we made plenty of mistakes along the way. It wasn’t (and still isn’t!) always easy. But it’s always (always!) worth it

All four of us are happier when we play outside, whether it’s ice-skating on the pond near our home or a three-day fishing and floating adventure in the wilderness.

Through the years, we’ve created systems that make each outing go more smoothly, and taken careful notes on the best places to bring kids each season.

Now we want to share the lessons we’ve learned with all of you. The goal of “Adventure Families” is to help parents bring their kids outside.

Questions? Ideas? Want your family featured?
