
10 Best Snow Games To Play With Kids

dodgeball in the snow is fun for kids

Get kids outside, whether you’ve got 2 feet or 2 inches of snow

This story appeared in REI’s Co-Op Journal. 

It’s five o’clock on a Wednesday in the middle of winter. The sun is about to set and the streets are unappealingly slushy with days-old snow. In your cozy living room, the kids are bouncing off the walls, ready to release some energy after a long day indoors—and, if you’re being honest, the adults are, too!

Sound familiar? It’s challenging to get outside as often as we like in the winter. Traditional snow-based recreation activities, like ice-skating, snowboarding or cross-country skiing, aren’t always accessible or cost-effective. And sending the kids out to build yet another snow person loses its cachet after the novelty of the first few snowfalls wears off. Next time everyone feels stir-crazy, bundle up, step outside and break out one of the games from the list below.

From ‘Capture the Flag’ or ‘Tic-Tac-Snow’ to ‘Dodgeball’ and ‘Pin the Nose on the Snowman’, these top 10 snow games are sure to keep you giggling and get you moving.

Read about the games here >